Patient Ombudsman is pleased to share with Ontarians our year three highlights report: Listening, Learning, Leading.
As an Ombuds for health in Ontario, our organization continues our mandate as the champion for fairness in Ontario’s evolving healthcare system.
Listening, Learning, Leading is the highlights report of Patient Ombudsman’s third year of operations and builds from the collective work of Fearless (year one report) and Fairness (year two highlights).
As we evolve as an organization and enhance our service to Ontarians, Patient Ombudsman shares how we are:
- Listening
Patient Ombudsman listens to patients and caregivers as they share their experiences with health sector organizations and then works to achieve fair resolutions to their concerns.
In our balanced approach to complaints resolution, we also listen to health sector organizations and ensure that they have meaningful opportunities to respond.
- Learning
Through the complaints we receive, Patient Ombudsman is able to learn what is working and what is not in our healthcare system. We view complaints as opportunities for health sector organizations to learn and improve.
Patient Ombudsman is committed to learning from and using the information and evidence gathered over our three years to identify issues and situations that would benefit from more in-depth review and investigations.
- Leading
Patient Ombudsman recognizes our unique role as an Ombuds for health in Ontario. We will continue to lead as an independent, impartial and confidential complaints resolution service for healthcare experiences in Ontario.
Year Three 2018/19
Financial Statements